

Your partner for technology transfer

Services for the future
GWT is a R&D service provider for industry and supports scientists in technology transfer in Germany.

Implementing top research results in industrial applications – together
The goal of GWT is to make use of research results in new processes and products more quickly. We focus on organising the innovation process between scientific institutes and business enterprises as efficiently as possible. In close cooperation with scientists at the Technical University of Dresden, other universities in Germany, research institutes and industry, we develop innovations in interdisciplinary projects.

Even today, GWT is in an excellent position in the area of technology transfer – first of all, thanks to its access to more than 200 scientists of various disciplines across Germany, but also thanks to its over 1.600 industrial partners, many of which are active globally.

We offer our customers the appropriate R&D platform with suitable partners from science and services on demand. These include, for example, the management of industrial projects for universities and research
institutions, technology consulting and IP management, creation and management of a transfer center and general project management. At the client’s choice, GWT either takes over all responsibility for a project or supports the project partners with services during the project implementation. Any surpluses of GWT are returned to the research sector.